Dip It Low

I saw a meme the other day that said “I love Summer! It’s my favourite day of the year!” Brits will get that. We’ve had 48 hours of Summer so far and for the most part we’re ready for some cooler days.

I was explaining why we suffer so much here to a friend in Florida. Firstly because we have cold winters and just a few days of high heat per year our homes are built to keep heat in. We have cavity wall insulation, loft insulation etc so once the heat is in the house it’s hard to do anything about it. Secondly, we don’t have air conditioning in most homes…hell, even a lot of workplaces don’t have it. So yeah, as soon as the heat peaks it’s sweatfest around these parts.

Fortunately in SL we can enjoy the weather without the humidity, perspiration and sleepless nights!



*Head – LeLutka – EVO X Avalon

Body – EBody Reborn

*Face Skin – [Glam Affair] – Soraia **NEW** at The Fifty

*Body Skin  – VELOUR

Eyes – YOSHI – Eole Eyes

Hair – Unorthodox – Flow Curls & Hairbase

Lashes – Void – Demure Lashes

Clothing & Accessories

Earrings – e.marie // Kassi Earrings – Golds

*Swimwear – [Cosmic Dust] – Rae Kini Bottoms * Top  **NEW** at Summerfest

*Shoes – DEAD DOLL – Kai Wedges **NEW** at Access

Pose – Luane’s Poses – Summer Dreaming **NEW** at Summerfest

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