Camden Series – The Living Room

Camden Series – The Living Room

I was very excited to hear from the team at ReBourne that they had a new release coming. I saw some photos and loved the build so I was even more happy to receive a copy to review. It's a big build so I am going to be doing a series of photos and posts [...]



I took a short break from decorating Deer River to put together this scene because I just loved this bathroom set from Hive. It's a mainstore release and as much as I love shopping events I love shopping at mainstores too. The tail end of my week and the weekend were actually quieter than I [...]

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

This is the kind of place, with the kind of view, where I could imagine sitting for hours with a friend and just putting the world to rights over a few drinks. I'd love that kind of big porch, preferably somewhere warm, but not humid and right on the beach. The name of this house [...]

Inner Peace is Priceless

Inner Peace is Priceless

It's been a great month so far for decor lovers. Even if you aren't loving the Fall and Halloween decor that is being released at this time of the year there is still plenty of other amazing releases for you to add to your homes and gardens. I'm featuring Nutmeg's release at The Epiphany Gacha [...]

Botanical Zen

Botanical Zen

I took a break from Autumn and Fall pictures to snap this gorgeous set from Concept which is now available at The Arcade Gacha. One of the challenging parts of blogging that I enjoy the most is finding different uses for items other than maybe the creator originally envisioned. This is the outer terraces of [...]

A Little Bit Boho, A Little Bit Cute

A Little Bit Boho, A Little Bit Cute

I struggle with pictures for this time of year but I am not the cutesy valentine, pink and fluffy type! Far from it. I also don't really 'celebrate' V-Day as I am busy with One Billion Rising in Second Life on the same day.  It's worth checking out the OBR in SL website if you [...]