I started the month so relaxed and with plenty of blogging time and then suddenly, without me noticing, it was end of June. Where in the hell did June go! I knew June was going to be busy on the Seraphim front with Pride and our anniversary but holy moly....the month just flew past! Still, [...]



We all have words we love and words we dislike and there is often a concensus on the latter. Take 'moist' for example. I know a few people who literally have a physical disgust response to that word. I love words that sound like what they mean. I got thinking about this when I wrote [...]

Papaya, Pears and Prettiness

Papaya, Pears and Prettiness

I saw a post on Facebook just before sitting down to write this about blogger deadlines and vacations. I am going to write a fuller response with my thoughts on the post but it got me thinking about where I am currently. I have a lot of business and blogging deadlines right now and sometimes [...]

The Secret Ingredient

The Secret Ingredient

I may be a little bias. Full disclosure, I work for The Arcade and Blogger and Sponsor Manager but even with that aside I have to say the upcoming round, that opens tomorrow, is one of the best I've seen! This is particularly the case if you are a decor nut like me. Even more [...]

Country Life

Country Life

Just as I settled down to writ this blog post my phone buzzed to let me know that my delivery from Amazon was just a few stops away and would arrive shortly. Last week I had ordered a new kettle....and a matching toaster. I didn't need the new toaster but it matched....ok...that's a good enough [...]

Anything, Anywhere

Anything, Anywhere

Happy Monday! I posted a speed edit video on my Facebook timeline on Saturday and promised the post the next day...so I'm a little tardy with this, but, for good reason. Yesterday was a blur...an exciting blur but a blur nonetheless. Firstly, I slept in which is a little unusual for me but was well [...]