People May Hear Your Words, But They Feel Your Attitude

Do you have an alt? Some people refer to alts as if they are a bad thing. It’s not the alts per se that can be a bad thing but it can be the intentions of the person using the alt that can be. Chances are if the person is not so nice and dishonest they’re perfectly capable of not being nice and being dishonest on their alt as well. Kess was an alt originally. My original avatar is from 2006 and I’ve never really made a secret about who Kess was in relation to my original avatar. I joke that Kess stole my SL away from my original avatar. What started as an alt to get some quiet time and explore SL became my ‘main’. I doubt there’s much that could happen to change that now. I haven’t kept my original avatar updated…she’s mesh…but not bento. Having an alt is fine…hell have 10 alts if you have the money and the time to invest in them. What you do with your SL time is not the business of almost anyone else. Using an alt for nefarious reasons…that’s wrong. Having an alt to mind your own business and lead a quiet SL…that’s nobodies business but yours.


Head – Lelutka – Cate 3.0

Skin – Glam Affair

Shape – My Own

Eyes – Suicidal Unborn

Ears – Mandala – Steking Ears

Hair – Besom – Moonlight

*Dress – Cynful – Tiviyah Knotted Dress **NEW** at Mesh Body Addicts Fair from 1st August Slurl to follow

*Earrings – Dahlia – Aleah **NEW** at Uber

*Necklace – Dahlia – Aleah **NEW** at Uber

*Tikka – Dahlia – Aleah **NEW** at Uber

*Pose – GingerFish Poses – Bad at Love

8 thoughts on “People May Hear Your Words, But They Feel Your Attitude

  1. Back when I was playing Tiny Empires I created 2 alts just for that game, then I left SL due to personal reasons, came back and used one of the alts as my main, retired my first avi, again due to a huge stalking issue I retired my main and used my last alt now as my main ~ my thoughts on using or having alts is the honesty factor ~ I can see having an alt if you truly want that quiet time yet most are not using that for ~ checking up on a partner, cheating or scoping out a new partner, etc. My thoughts are for the most part why? Someone really needs 10 alts, or 3 alts ~ still cannot wrap my head around that and some that do have alts have partners on them so whats up with that. Great thought provoking post and will check back to see what others have to say on this ~ btw how is the survey going? oooh last love the pic and you look amazing in that dress ~ cannot wait to grab it ~ hugzz ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I agree with a lot of that Starr. I actually have several alt accounts but I’m only active on one alt. I have a pretty hectic SL….with over 550 contacts on my friends list due to work/blogging/dj’g and I hate deleting people. My alt is about being quiet…only my closest friend circle is on it (7 people in total) and I only log into her to spend time with my guy in peace and quiet…it’s really blissful! hehe

      Liked by 1 person

      1. woah that is a lot of contacts LOL but with that and those that have lot of friends will agree with the xtra alt just to provide quiet time in SL ♥


  2. There can also be business reasons for alts, or mere group related ones. At one point I was lonely and at loose ends and I had a lot of alts, each one different and I considered it a kind of art. A way to stretch myself rather than staying in my comfort zone of looking one way or even one gender.

    I also ran a shop at one point and most shop owners I know often have at least one alt in order to have some quiet time or personal time away from the business. I know many djs and bloggers who have alts for event related things, sixty groups seems like a lot until you start filliing them up with staff groups and early entry groups and so on.

    I don’t really understand the idea of having 90 relationships on 90 different alts, that makes no sense to me. How do you (generic you) even have time for one real romantic relationship much less several. But I’ve definitely used alts for other purposes, sometimes for rp as well.


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