Tropics Retreat

Tropics Retreat

A couple of weeks ago Mr Smith and I ventured to Kidaka Resort for a couple of days mid-week getaway.  I highly recommend this for a casual break but even more so this time of year when everywhere else, including my own region Snowdrops, is full of snow and wintery chills. It was partly that [...]

The Vista

The Vista

I love this little room from Kraftwork that is available at The Liaison Collaborative for just a few more days and then will be available at the mainstore. It's really versatile.  I very often have a scene in my mind as far as the decor is concerned and the conundrum I find myself is a [...]

Keep Things Neutral

Keep Things Neutral

What a busy, but great weekend! I got a lot done and managed to be super productive, watch a couple of movies, do the BVN talk and be socially active. My social life has taken on a new lease of life and I have to say I am thoroughly enjoying it. I'm sure I will [...]

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

This is the kind of place, with the kind of view, where I could imagine sitting for hours with a friend and just putting the world to rights over a few drinks. I'd love that kind of big porch, preferably somewhere warm, but not humid and right on the beach. The name of this house [...]

A Little Break is All You Need

A Little Break is All You Need

One of the things I love about working with my business partner, Del, is the pace we work at. When we believe is a good idea, we don't have red tape to go through, we don't have to ponder on it for a while. We're quick to take action. So, watch this space for a [...]