That Weekend

That Weekend

Pretty much all I did yesterday was go through blogger applications until I had a very welcome and surprise message from the gorgeous Justine Lemton in-world asking me if I would like to collaborate on a post. She has the BEST timing as I was just putting an outfit together to take a photo so [...]

People May Hear Your Words, But They Feel Your Attitude

People May Hear Your Words, But They Feel Your Attitude

Do you have an alt? Some people refer to alts as if they are a bad thing. It's not the alts per se that can be a bad thing but it can be the intentions of the person using the alt that can be. Chances are if the person is not so nice and dishonest [...]

Running and Standing Still

Running and Standing Still

I'm on constant catch up from my catastrophic computer failure last week but this is the first photo I took with my new PC! \o/  I'm still going through the process of downloading and installing all my brushes, overlays, textures, Lightroom presets. Seems like everytime I go to do something in SL or on my [...]



That split second when you're off kilter, teetering on the could recover and find yourself back upright and steady or you could fall, completely and hopelessly.  You're weighing up the options. What's the worst that can happen if you just let go and see what happens. Will someone or something be there to break [...]

Wigs for Kids – Last Weekend for Hair Fair

Wigs for Kids  – Last Weekend for Hair Fair

If you haven't yet been to the Hair Fair you have a couple more days to do so as it closes on Sunday at midnight - so you have all weekend to shop. As is traditional the Sunday is bandana day for Wigs for Kids.  Wigs for Kids is the charity that Hair Fair has [...]

What Colour Are You?

What Colour Are You?

I'm starting to believe that there is a kind of chain reaction that happens on Facebook, and other social media, with negative and positive feelings. When I scroll through my feed in the morning I either see predominately all negative posts or predominantly positive ones and it got me thinking about whether one person unwittingly [...]