Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy

Good Tidings of Comfort and Joy

I am surprisingly Christmassy this year...panic has not set in yet and it really should have because I have not bought a single present yet in real life. I have a huge Christmas planned. Many of you know I welcomed my first Grandson to our family Christmas last year...he was all of 3 months old [...]

Sweater Weather Outside

Sweater Weather Outside

It's fair to say that Winter in SL is already in full swing and the stores, creators and events are coming up with incredible winter goodies for us. Tannenbaum opened today and there's lots of great decor and seasonal goodness to stop by and grab. Featured today are offerings from Nutmeg and Spruce from Tannenbaum [...]

Crisp Days with a Warm Friend

Crisp Days with a Warm Friend

I did a post earlier in the week about the gorgeous Christmas Memories region created by our friends Roxy and Cody Chronitis. I couldn't wait to go back there this weekend and take another photo! I think my new found joy of the season is part inspired by the confirmation that my daughter, my new [...]

Celebrate Good Times!

Celebrate Good Times!

Yesterday got away from me a little bit and I was a little lazy. I'm not great at New Year and I find the lead up to it quite emotional and I never really expect to have a good time celebrating either. Isn't it always the way that when you least expect to have a [...]

The Christmas Dream

The Christmas Dream

The news in real life regarding Christmas festivities might not be good but SL is the place where we put all the fears and worries about rl on hold, albeit fleetingly, to enjoy the Christmas spirit in our virtual world. I've loved seeing everyone's photos of the season and yesterday I found myself with a [...]

Owl Be There For You

Owl Be There For You

Yes, the title is an awful play on a song title! It feels like all I often say here is I've been super busy and haven't had much time for blogging but it's true....though I have a bunch of photos taken, a lot of bloggers will tell you that the setting up a blog post, [...]

In The Bleak Midwinter

In The Bleak Midwinter

I went through a period of years when I didn't look forward to the Christmas holidays, but not anymore! As many of you know my first Grandchild was born in September and even though he won't be aware of much that is going on I simply cannot wait for his first Christmas. What's even better [...]

Winter Blues

Winter Blues

Happy Weekend! The Christmas Tree went up at home yesterday and the holly wreath was added to the front door of the house. Christmas Day is going to be a quiet affair so I might actually get to experience Christmas in SL more than I would normally. My big family day is Boxing Day and [...]

Festive Fondue

Festive Fondue

KraftWork have single-handedly saved Christmas. I mean, Mr M and our new daughter will still decorate a tree because we save them and name them and keep them as a memento buuuuut let's be honest....decorating a tree in Second Life is torturous. KraftWork have saved those hours of trying to find the end of branch [...]

The Chocolate Box

The Chocolate Box

I have been in the blogging doldrums for a wee while now and even on the rare occasions I've had time to blog I haven't really felt motivated and inspired to do so. Then, I visited Tannenbaum and saw the house release there by Hisa. Hisa haven't released a house I don't like to be [...]