Cooking to the Beets

Cooking to the Beets

I'm back in the kitchen again this week with a beauty of a kitchen with so many options I'd go over my word count if I mentioned them all. As I'd taken a photo of a lighter rustic kitchen a week or so ago I wanted to use the darker option in this kitchen to [...]

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

Where the World Gets Put to Rights

This is the kind of place, with the kind of view, where I could imagine sitting for hours with a friend and just putting the world to rights over a few drinks. I'd love that kind of big porch, preferably somewhere warm, but not humid and right on the beach. The name of this house [...]

Christmas Corner

Christmas Corner

Good morning! What a difference a week makes! I was pretty stressed out this time last week as a lot of things came at me at the same time. I am not a stressy person generally so if I do recognise stress then it's usually already at a pretty bad stage. I also have a [...]

First Things

First Things

Good morning and happy weekend to you all. I gotta say, I'm already looking forward to Monday. I like Mondays generally but this last week has been incredibly busy and the weekend looks to be pretty hectic too in both rl and sl. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy all these projects and things to [...]

Look Who’s Coming to Dinner

Look Who’s Coming to Dinner

Salem opens today and I managed to get a sneak peek around the set up before opening. You will not be disappointed! There is literally something spooky and spectacular for everyone. So, if you follow my blog expect to see a lot of horror and halloween spookiness on the blog over the next few weeks. [...]

You Can’t Sit With Us

You Can’t Sit With Us

Have you been to The Clique yet? The Clique is a shopping, music and fashion theater event in Second Life based on the 1985 John Hughes film The Breakfast Club. Whilst the event is not an 80s event, it is about the creations either featuring from the film or the people types, or cliques, of [...]

I Bought [this] from [here] because of [them]

I Bought [this] from [here] because of [them]

Speaking to a fair few store owners and creators everyone has a different view on bloggers and how useful they are to getting the brand out there and whether they truly result in additional sales. Let me say right off the bat I think they are vital...but then I would say that wouldn't I, I'm [...]

Hit The Road to Hippie Heaven

Hit The Road to Hippie Heaven

Back to rl work after a couple of days today and I'm actually looking forward to it. I don't hate my job fortunately. If I don't like something I move on from it but I'm lucky enough to work in the National Health Service in the UK which is the, quite rightly, the envy of [...]