No One Knows

No One Knows

“There's a bluebird in my heart that wants to get out but I'm too tough for him, I say, stay in there, I'm not going to let anybody see you.”Charles Bukowski  Credits: *Head - LeLutka - Korina*Skin  - Glam Affair - SapphireEyes - AviGlam - Horizon*Hair - ::C'est la vie !:: Sonia Hair **NEW** at Salon [...]

Too Much Love to Give

Too Much Love to Give

I simply adore the words on this wall decor item from Ariskea. I wrote a blog post a few years ago on this subject. It was not long after I had posted about narcissism in SL relationships and how I felt a bad experience had changed me. It did in the short term to be [...]

Blooming Melancholy

Blooming Melancholy

I'm thoughtful today. Earlier in the week, I had heard of the passing of a friend. They left SL a long while back, for all the right reasons. Lore was someone who came to my rock club !Exodus! which I operated from 2010 to 2015. Lore was the funniest Frenchie I ever met and we [...]



Hello world! I'm still struggling with feeling unwell and sleeping a lot more...though at night not so much. But, life goes on and stuffs still needs to be blogged. I've been super excited to see that people are really interested in my little side project with my friend Heidi, HeikeTech. I promise to share lots [...]

On My Lips

On My Lips

"Our first kiss was not on the lips It was when there was a storm Out in the ocean And my boat ran into yours Then suddenly it was a clear day" MarieApoetrylife   Credits:  *Head - LeLutka - Korina **NEW** at The Skin Fair *Skin  - Glam Affair - Sapphire **NEW** at Kustom 9 [...]

Save Some Energy

Save Some Energy

Thank mercy it's Friday! It's been a long week but now it's the weekend. I had a few days a couple of weeks ago where I stopped wearing my Fitbit and really noticed a huge difference in how much walking I was doing or was willing to do without wearing it. It's now back on, [...]

Light Up My Life

Light Up My Life

Another day where I am running a little late. Seems to be the theme of the week! As we head a little closer to the weekend my nerves are starting to rise as I agreed to take part in a SL Gameshow called Interior Design Wars. Two decorators are given a box of items to [...]

Welcome 2019

Welcome 2019

Is it over? Safe to come out now? Can I be the only one that is glad this whole holiday season is over. I've had the most unsociable holidays in RL and SL that I can ever remember and as far as last night goes...well I was actually taking this photo at my midnight. I [...]